[Press release] Phonegate* : Appeal to Agnès Buzyn and Nicolas Hulot to take action concerning this health and industrial scandal

Press release, Thursday 22 June 2017

The long electoral sequence ended last Sunday.  Both Agnès Buzyn and Nicolas Hulot have been confirmed in their respective ministerial responsibilities.  It is therefore time to write to them officially to inform them of the health and industrial scandal concerning all mobile phones sold both in France and Europe since 1999 and ask them to take action.

Read the letter to the Ministers.

In the registered letter sent on 19 June 2017, we wished to alert them to the lack of transparency of the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) which, although belatedly publishing on 1 June 2017 an initial series of data concerning the specific absorption rates (SAR) for mobile phones, has deliberately concealed many equally important data.  We have therefore copied to the Ministers our 12 June Email to the Director-General of ANFR, Gilles Brégant, which to this day remains unanswered, reminding them that “an additional delay in the transmission and publication of this missing data would without doubt be inexcusable.”

Read the Email to ANFR.

Moreover, faced with the failure of the international control protocols which dramatically echo Dieselgate, we are asking that the new RED 2014/53/EU Directive entered into force on 13 June 2017 be revised as quickly as possible at the European level for all new equipment.  This new directive gives priority to the interests of industry to the detriment of the health of users and does not hesitate in article 5 to assure manufacturers of the “confidentiality” of the collected information.  Such a lack in transparency is no longer acceptable to citizens, recalling that the petition launched by the journalist Elise Lucet against the “Directive on the protection of undisclosed business information” was signed by more than 540,000 people.

Article 5

Registration of radio equipment types within some categories

  1. As from 12 June 2018, manufacturers shall register radio equipment types within categories of radio equipment affected by a low level of compliance with the essential requirements set out in Article 3** within a central system referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article prior to radio equipment within those categories being placed on the market. When registering such radio equipment types, manufacturers shall provide some, or where justified all, elements of the technical documentation listed in points (a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of Annex V. The Commission shall allocate to each registered radio equipment type a registration number, which manufacturers shall affix on radio equipment placed on the market.
  2. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 44 specifying which categories of radio equipment are concerned by the requirement set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the elements of the technical documentation to be provided, taking into account the information on the compliance of radio equipment provided by Member States in accordance with Article 47(1) and following an evaluation of the risk of non-implementation of the essential requirements.
  3. The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the operational rules for registration and the operational rules for affixing the registration number on radio equipment for the categories specified by the delegated acts adopted pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 45(3).
  4. The Commission shall make available a central system allowing manufacturers to register the required information. That system shall ensure appropriate control of access to information of confidential nature.
  5. Following the date of application of a delegated act adopted pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article, the reports prepared in accordance with Article 47(1) and (2) shall evaluate its impacts.

Last but not least, we are awaiting a rapid reaction from the public authorities to provide information and a warning about the risks to users, particularly the youngest (who keep their phones in their pockets more than ten consecutive hours a day), by writing them:  “This extremely serious situation cannot and should not continue because if it does, the responsibility of the State will be called into question for failing to take urgent measures to report the dangers and explain simple preventive measures, such as placing the mobile phone at some distance from the body (which is by the way, recommended in all user guides of the manufacturers).”

  * the origin of this term comes from Pierre Le Hir (Le Monde, 23 December 2016) « Soupçons sur les ondes des téléphones portables »

** Article 3 refers to the essential requirement to ensure the protection of the health and safety of people.  


Dr Marc Arazi

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